Marble Maze with Corks STEAM Activity for Kids

A simple marble maze is easy to make and provides a fun STEAM opportunity for kids. Design and build a maze using a cardboard box and corks in this fun hands-on activity.


kids science with a marble maze

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I was excited to come up with this idea for a maze and hope you like it too!

If you have a cardboard box and a collection of corks, this is a fun way to use them! 

We've been saving corks for quite a while, knowing they could be useful in crafts and activities. 

We already created a maze activity with modeling clay , so we're happy to share this new project.


Marble Maze with Corks


Use recycled corks to make a marble run


You can use any sturdy box or box lid that you have on hand. The box should be a size that is manageable for your child to lift and tilt.

Our box is 11 inches (28 cm) x 16 inches (40 cm) and 2 inches (5 cm) deep.



Attach corks to cardboard box with glue gun


 Use a glue gun to attach the corks to the box.


Make a maze in a cardboard box with recycled corks


Make the spaces between the corks wide enough to accommodate the marble or small ball.


Learning through play

  • Add number or letters to the corks with markers or stickers. Ask your child to name the letter or number the marble strikes.
  • Move the marble down the center; the left side; the right side.
  • Try to tap all the corks in the maze with the marble.
  • Guide the marble to the bottom and then back up to the top.
  • Move the marble as slowly through the maze; move the marble quickly.


You can easily provide engaging play opportunities with household items. This results in big play value for little expense. A simple maze is a great opportunity to challenge kids while giving them lots of room to experiment and observe.


Marble maze corks in a cardboard box


The principles of STEAM are used throughout this activity.

 STEAM = Science, technology, engineering, art, math

  • Science: The round marble will roll through the maze as your child tilts the box. The placement of corks will determine the path the marble takes, and the tipping movement will determine the direction and speed. 
  • Technology: Secure the corks in place with a glue gun. This will be a grownup's job unless you have a kid-friendly glue gun and are comfortable with supervising the use of the glue gun with your child.
  • Engineering: The maze you build will be determined by the number of corks you have, and the size of the box. Kids can help with the arrangement of the corks in the box.
  • Art: Corks often have different lengths, and varying shades of brown or white, and can be arranged in many different designs or patters. The marble or ball you use will also add color to the experiment.
  • Math: Count the number of corks you have. How many will you use for your maze? Are you using different sizes of marbles and corks?


STEAM Kids 50+ Activities for Kids


Explore our STEM to STEAM Pinterest board for more activities!


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