Five Little Snowmen Felt Board Activity

This snowman felt board activity is perfect for your preschool circle time. The cute little snowman cutouts are easy to make with a simple cardboard template.

felt board snowman activity for circle time in preschool

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Kids couldn't be happier than when they play snowman games in daily play!

Luckily for teachers and parents, snowman activities offer so much learning through play for preschoolers.

And there is no shortage of ideas to choose from! Snowman crafts, snowman games - and even snowman snacks! - are everywhere online, and also on shelves in book stores and libraries.

This 5 Little Snowmen activity is easy to make, and fun to play. At circle time, quiet time, or even during independent play, kids will want to join in the fun, sorting and counting the cute little snowmen.

And they'll be engaging early childhood skills such as math, language, and fine motor as they play.


Felt board snowman activity

The snowman template is easy to make with cardboard, and the five little snowmen can be completed with felt scraps.

Look for the take-away rhyming game with fun lyrics at the end of the post.



White felt

Felt in different colors

Jar lids, two sizes


Easy-to-make snowman template


easy to make pattern for a felt snowman


Use two rounds bowls or jar lids, one slightly larger than the other.

Trace around the large lid on a piece of cardboard or cardstock.

Overlap the smaller lid onto the larger circle. 

Trace around the smaller lid.

Cut out the snowman template.


cut out felt snowmen for a felt board activity at circle time


Transfer the snowman pattern to white felt.

Cut out five snowmen.


Snowman accessories

felt snowman take-away game for circle time


Draw a simple scarf similar to this one in the photo.

Cut out the template and transfer to felt to make five scarves.

  • Make the scarves in different colors, or all the same color. 

Outline the scarves with a fine point marker to define the edges.


cut out felt pieces to make a snowman activity


Cut out a simple hat as shown in the photo.

Glue a hat and scarf to each felt snowman.

Add features with felt scraps - eyes, carrot nose, buttons.


Snowman felt board game


preschool math with snowman cutouts


Place the five snowmen on the felt board (sometimes called a flannel board).

  • I supported our felt board on a small art easel, like this one you can purchase online. (affiliate link)

Recite the following verse in a sing-song manner.

  • Encourage kids to say the verse along with you.


Five little snowmen on a snowy day.

Out came the sun and melted one away. (Remove one snowman.)

(Repeat for remaining snowmen)

Four little snowmen.....

Three little snowmen.....

Two little snowmen.....

One little snowman on a snowy day.

Out came the sun and melted it away. (Remove the last snowman.)


No little snowmen on a snowy day.

The sun came out and melted them away.

Let's build new ones on a snowy day (Count the felt snowmen as you place them back on the flannel board.)

Five little snowmen come out to play.


Easy felt board snowman activity

This felt board activity is easy to include in your winter theme. It supports early learning skills as kids play.

  • Kids practice early math skills as they count the snowmen and identify and name colors.

  • Kids practice language skills and memory skills as they recite the lyrics.

You can also engage kids in gross motor movement by role playing a melting snowman! Say the verse as you pretend to melt slowly to the floor. Then build the snowmen up again on a snowy day.

Keep it simple, keep it fun, and keep on enjoying winter with your preschoolers!


kids snowman activity on the felt board



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