How to Make Awesome Drawings with Chalk on Foam Trays

This process art activity is easy to provide with recycled foam trays. The activity requires minimal setup, and recycles a common household item. Have fun making chalk drawings in this creative art activity.

kids chalk drawings on recycled trays

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We're always excited to find new opportunities for process art and this is a sure winner!

Chalk is a wonderful art tool that can be used just about anywhere: on sidewalks, on cardboard, and, of course, on chalkboards. A simple foam tray is another surface that is perfect for writing and drawing on with chalk.

We have a recycling program in our community that includes foam trays but I always like to use them in craft projects before sending them to the blue bag. This just makes life a little 'greener'. 

I recommended using clean foam trays that come with baked goods rather than meat products to ensure safe handling, even though the trays are washed before I use them.

Related: How to paint pumpkin pictures on foam trays.

Drawing with chalk on a foam tray is a fun activity that really needs no instructions!

Grab a few clean foam trays and some colored chalk and you are ready for an open-ended art activity.


Chalk drawings art activity


Materials for chalk drawings


The only supplies you need for this activity are chalk and foam trays.


Chalk drawings creative art activity



Chalk art on foam tray


We found it easiest to draw with white chalk on black foam trays. This prompted us to make lots of ghost drawings

Try a variety of colors of chalk and trays to explore results with different materials.

  • The chalk can be wiped away with a dry cloth or tissue. Eventually the foam tray will become embedded with lines and squiggles, especially if kids tend to press down firmly on the tray with the piece of chalk.

You can also wipe the tray with a damp cloth to remove the chalk but sooner rather than later you will have to go to a 'new' recycled tray.


Tic tac toe chalk drawing

Tic Tac Toe is one of our favorite games, and so easy to play with chalk on a foam tray.


Chalk art for preschoolers

This is an easy activity to add to your toolkit. It prompts creative play and recycles items that would go to the garbage.

Foam tray chalk drawings


Process Art board on Pinterest


More fun chalk activities from kid bloggers:

Measuring Chalk Drawings: Math for Kids

Chalk Drawing - Creating a Face

Chalk Skeleton Craft

Chalk on the Trampoline



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