Fun Small Group Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten

Small group time is a great place for hands-on fun and learning. Try these simple suggestions to bring excitement and discovery to your small group times in preschool or kindergarten.

preschool small group play

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Small group time is a great environment for engaging kids in hands-on fun.

Gathering students together for a small group experience can be done in different ways, seated or standing.

Small group time allows you to engage with children in meaningful ways.

  • A small number of participants makes it easier to involve each child, with time for taking turns and giving attention to responses.
  • A small group is easier to manage for specific learning opportunities, to help each individual achieve his or her level of accomplishment.

The focus - and benefit - of small group time is in student participation: friends sharing, discussing, working and observing together.

Whether you are teaching early learners in a preschool classroom or homeschooling kids of different ages, planning small group times is a great way to promote interaction and cooperation.

Related: Small Group Resource Digital PDF


Small group time in preschool

Whatever the interest and skill level, children will benefit from group interaction - listening, taking turns, sharing materials and conversations.

The activities can involve setups for each participant (like these mini volcanoes), or a single group project like building a snowman with pillow cases (activity #49 in our small group digital resource).

These ideas for small group time support early learning skills including social, language, and cognitive.

preschool small group ideas


Measuring foods with watermelon math

Exploring the world with a globe and playdough

Graphing seeds founds in foods


small group play ideas for preschool

Telling time with digital and analog clocks

Playing a memory game with disposable cups

Playing a memory game with cards


preschool play ideas for small group time

Exploring the science of leaves

Exploring the science of wind

Counting with a printable board game


indoor small group play

Going on a sensory walk

Enjoying music and movement with homemade shakers

Playing a Lift-the-Flaps game


These are just a few ideas to get you started on your small group journey!

The activities you choose to for your students will depend on the object of the activity, your teaching style, and number of children present.

You'll find lots more to explore at small group time with this easy-to-use downloadable resource.


teacher resource preschool small group play


Enjoy small group times with your early learners!


Curriculum Pinterest Board


preschool table time activities for group learning




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