Pretty Lace Butterfly Craft for Preschoolers

This pretty butterfly is easy to make with just two craft materials. Use the butterfly as a finger puppet for pretend play, or as a table decoration! This is a fun craft to add to your summer theme. 

 spring crafts butterflies


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Butterflies can be spotted fluttering through gardens in spring and summer, but they are fun to explore any time of year!

Making butterflies is especially fun using simple instructions and a variety of interesting materials.

We've made butterflies with felt fabric, with a clothespin, and even with a green leaf.

This pretty butterfly needs only two materials - lace trim and a chenille stem or pipe cleaner. 


Lace butterfly craft for kids

Butterflies are fun insects for kids to explore in books, in arts and crafts, and in natural environments.

Here are a few ways to add butterflies to your spring theme:


Instructions for a butterfly craft


Lace trim for a butterfly craft with kids


Choose a chenille stem for the body of the butterfly.

Choose a cotton trim with a pattern resembling butterfly "wings".

Cut out the "wings" section that will become your butterfly wings. 


Lace and chenille stem butterfly craft

                       Step 1                            Step 2                              Step 3                               


Step 1. Bend the chenille stem in half in half.

Place the butterfly wings on the chenille stem, leaving more length toward the bend.

Step 2. Twist the open ends at the top together to form antennae.

Twist the opposite end close to the lace cutout to secure the body of the butterfly.

Step 3. Bend the extra chenille stem back to form a circle.

The chenille stem circle can be used in two ways:

  • as a stand to support the butterfly as it sits on a table

  • as a loop to go around your fingers for a finger puppet



summer craft butterflies

butterflies spring craft for preschool


You can be creative with your butterflies.

  • Decorate the wings with markers.
  • Spread glue on the wings and add glitter or sequins.

It's fun to watch colorful butterflies in the spring as they spread their wings and flutter through the air.

Kids can make their butterfly puppets soar up and down through the air too!


butterfly preschool craft


 Butterfly and Caterpillar Pinterest board


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