Top Posts of 2015 from Kid Bloggers
This roundup of family activities includes projects viewed most in 2015. I'm excited to feature top craft, education and parenting posts of 2015 from a group of kid-friendly bloggers.
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It's the beginning of a new year, a time to look forward to the exciting year of activities ahead of us. It's also a perfect time to gather the best resources of the previous twelve months!
Here's where you will find all of these remarkable, sought-after activities, each with established performance.
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My top performing post for 2015 is a fun hands-on activity that combines the science of an inclined plane with counting and fine motor skills.
In this inclined plane activity marbles race down the inclined plane and into small disposable cups.
I have another inclined plane post where toy cars race down an inclined plane to ride through a tunnel or topple cups at the finish line!
These activities are easy to set up with recyclable materials, and kids can help with the assembly.