3 Awesome Ways to Explore Math with a Watermelon

A watermelon math activity provides hands-on fun and learning in the kitchen. Extend your enjoyment of the watermelon harvest with this fun math activity that explores fractions, shapes, and weights. 

preschool summertime math with a watermelon

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Are you as excited for watermelon season as we are? It's one of our favorite summertime foods. It's colorful, mouth-watering, cumbersome to lift. But the effort of lugging it home is well rewarded.

But before you completely gobble up your watermelon, have fun using it to explore fractions, weight, and shape with your early learners.

A watermelon is an interesting material for math activities. Size, weight, and seeds are all components of the watermelon that can be explored.

Watermelon math

These watermelon activities are simple enough for preschoolers to do with adult supervision.

Kids can observe the shapes and sizes that emerge as the watermelon is divided into sections. 

Interesting fact: watermelon is 90% water!

Related: Exploring seeds in foods

1. Shapes

Math activities with a watermelon


Cut the watermelon in half. Look for the circle.

Cut in half again. Look for the semi-circle, or half circle.

Cut in half again. Look for the triangle

2. Fractions

Watermelon half slice


Divide a circle into two halves. Count the seeds in each section.


preschool watermelon math activities


Cut one semi-circle into sections as shown: 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8.


Stack watermelon pieces


Stack 1/4 pieces on top of 1/2 piece.

3. Weight 

Weighing watermelon


Weigh sections of watermelon.
Will two 1/4 pieces weigh the same as 1/2?


4. Food for thought!

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?

Both! Here's one reason why:

  • It's a fruit because it grows from a seed and a vegetable because it is harvested from a field. Explore more reasons to explain why it's both a fruit and a vegetable.

How do you know when a watermelon is ripe?

These are just a few ways to test for ripeness:

  • hollow when you tap it 
  • heavy to lift
  • green stem


5. Learning through play

1. Provide a large chunk of watermelon for kids to chop into small pieces with kid-friendly utensils.

2. Place pieces of chopped watermelon in a large bowl or on a large tray for kids to squish with a potato masher.

3. Cut rinds (outer shell) into chunks or blocks. Dip in paint and press onto paper for a painting activity. We've already done this fun open-ended art activity with pumpkin pieces.

4. Cut several 1/2 or 1/4 size, triangular shape slices for stacking. Count pieces as you stack to build a tower.

5. Collect seeds to count and germinate.


Watermelon math activities


STEAM KIDS Early Learning Resource

STEAM Kids ebook



 Math board on Pinterest exciting math activities for early learners


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