Archive: 2014

Halloween Broomstick Craft for Kids

Broomstick Halloween decoration easy to make with burlap

This simple broomstick craft is fun for the whole family to make. Kids will love using a broomstick as part of a Halloween costume.Read more about 'Halloween Broomstick Craft for Kids'...

Fall Leaves Bookmark Kids Craft

Bookmark preschool craft with autumn leaves

Make a beautiful bookmark craft with colorful autumn leaves. Plan a nature walk with the kids to gather some colorful leaves for this fun creative art activity.Read more about 'Fall Leaves Bookmark Kids Craft'...

Autumn Leaves Science for Kids

Leaf science and nature unit for preschool autumn activity

Explore autumn leaves with this simple indoor science experiment. This nature activity engages all the senses, and provides valuable hands-on learning through play.Read more about 'Autumn Leaves Science for Kids'...

Tracing Leaves Fine Motor Activity

Matching leaves shapes preschool math activity

Explore leaves with tracing and matching in this fun nature activity. This open-ended kids activity provides exciting learning opportunities with leaves in natural surroundings.Read more about 'Tracing Leaves Fine Motor Activity'...

Halloween Puppets for Preschool Pretend Play

Wooden spoon puppets kids can make for Halloween pretend play

Wooden spoon puppets are easy to make for a Halloween theme with preschoolers. Kids can make traditional characters like a witch or a ghost, or create new spooky characters.Read more about 'Halloween Puppets for Preschool Pretend Play'...

Alphabet Activities with Foam Letters

Spell your name with foam letters

Literacy activities using foam letters help preschoolers identify the letters of their names.Read more about 'Alphabet Activities with Foam Letters'...

Preschool Math Activity Counting 1-2-3

Number wheel for practicing early math skills with toddlers and preschoolers

This counting resource is a fun way to practice math skills.Read more about 'Preschool Math Activity Counting 1-2-3 '...

Fall Harvest Theme Preschool Activities

Fall harvest theme preschool activities - Preschool Toolkit

School is in, and so is the harvest! Weigh-in on these exciting activities to add some hands-on fun to your harvest theme.Read more about 'Fall Harvest Theme Preschool Activities'...

Teaching Children Playground Safety

Tips for safety on the playground

When you head out to the playground, take charge of playground safety by being proactive. Here are some tips that will help create a safe and enjoyable environment.Read more about 'Teaching Children Playground Safety'...

PreK Apple Craft and Counting Activity

Paper apple preschool craft

This apple craft, with a simple counting game, makes back to school fun for everyone. Preschoolers can learn the names of their classmates, while reinforcing beginning number recognition.Read more about 'PreK Apple Craft and Counting Activity'...


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